[MT-ALES] F5J rules for 2017

Greg gdouglas at repeat.net
Thu Jan 12 12:51:11 PST 2017

Carl - the only major deviation from the rules is that, as per the US 
F5J Tour rules, we are allowing the emergency motor restart (for a zero 
flight score).  Other than that, the FAI and the US Tour rules are the same.

So, this means the original CAM ALES timer/limiter is not allowed, 
you'll have to get one of the FAI approved ones, eg. Altis, CAM F5J, and 
some other ones.  There's a list somewhere but I can't easily find it.


On 1/12/2017 12:26 PM, Carl Thuesen wrote:
> Rod and Greg:  Please verify that these will be the rules for the 
> August F5J contest.

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