[MT-ALES] MESS Dues and Biannual Elections

CURTIS SUTER suterc at msn.com
Sat Mar 8 05:39:05 PST 2025

Biannual officer elections for MESS.

ByLaws are attached.

Current Officers:

President/Treasurer:  Curtis Suter

Vice President/Safety Coordinator: Hal Aasen

Secretary: Blake Running

Current Members:

Duane Beck

Greg Douglas

Joe Longmire

Ford Rollo

Carl Thuesen

Ken Stewart
Gary Feland

Anyone wishing to run for office or stay on in their position please advise.

I'll leave nominations open through Tuesday the 11th of March.

Then I'll compile the list and we can vote from the 12th through the 16th.

Any concerns/comments/questions please advise.

The Sanction was completed recently and insurance for the field.

Dues:  $25 per year due in the month of March.

Mail to:
Curtis Suter

4357 Fox View Loop

Helena, MT 59601

Zelle or PayPal is my email address

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